Goat Joy
Welcome to Goat Joy! We can think of no better way to describe this experience being offered to you than our name: Goat Joy! The goats bring us joy and we are sharing them with you in a fun, exciting format. Being around the goats is so peaceful and calming. They have a way of restoring you. If you take the time to just be with them, you will feel the joy too! We promise it’s worth the visit to come spend some time with our little herd of the sweetest little critters on the planet! We are offering yoga classes to combine the wonderful health benefits of yoga with the pure joy of being with the amazing, funny, lovable goats to give you a fun relaxing experience. We also offer goat social experiences of several types, geared towards different audiences, click on the tab to explore more. Come, experience a whole new side of agriculture! Bet you didn’t know agriculture could be so fun!